Our Team
Welcome to Sylhet Sustainable Development Research Firm (SSDRF)
Shaping a Sustainable Future Through Research and Innovation
Meet Our Leadership
Our leadership team consists of distinguished professors and researchers from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST). With decades of combined experience in academia and research, they guide our firm’s strategic direction and inspire innovation in sustainable development.

Dr. Munshi Naser Ibne Afzal
Research Fellow, SSDRF & Associate Professor, SUST

Dr. Tasmina Chowdhury Tania
Research Fellow, SSDRF & Associate Professor, SUST
Meet Our Technical Team
Our technical team ensures that our firm stays at the cutting edge of digital solutions. With expertise in web development and technical management, the team supports our research and outreach efforts through innovative platforms.
Meet Our Countributors
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Empowering Sylhet through research-driven insights and sustainable development solutions. Our expert team is dedicated to fostering partnerships, driving innovation, and building a brighter future for our community. Explore our core services and join us in shaping tomorrow